Benefit Advising
Eligibility for VA State and Federal benefits can seem confusing. Date of separation from the service, time served, active duty status, VA disability ratings, and the school you choose to attend can all be factors in determining eligibility. We strongly recommended you contact the Humboldt VETS office before you apply for VA benefits.
Veterans Enrollment and Transition Services
This is the place to go for veteran support on campus. Visit the Veterans Resource Center virtually or in Lower Library Rm. 3 to find out about local veteran community services, study, connect with others, and more!
Cal Vet Fee Waiver
Cal Vet is a California Department of Veterans Affairs Program that waives the state tuition or fee or tuition fee (at Humboldt) at any UC, CSU, or Community College for spouses and dependents of service-connected Disabled or deceased veterans and must be renewed every year.
Budget and Financial
Understanding Federal Financial Aid, Title 38 Veterans Benefits, state grants, waivers, and employment off and on-campus are important resources to afford your education. This link will provide the information you need to create a budget and estimate the time it will take for you to get your degree.
Academic, Career, and Employment
The VETS program can help you match the academic program to your field of interest. There are many advisors and counselors at Cal Poly Humboldt to assist with your education goals. Faculty members in every major are also advisors for that program. Contact the Administrative Assistant to set up a meeting with an advisor.
Veteran’s Crisis Line
1-800-273-8255 |
Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are Veterans themselves. This line is available every day 24/7 and is confidential.
Outdoor Program
The transition from the military can be challenging. The Humboldt VETS Outdoor Program is based on the principles of Outward Bound: learning through experience, challenge & adventure, and a supportive environment. Join us for a week in the summer with new and continuing Humboldt student veterans.